Boom! Anti-Google Propaganda Fills My Inbox!

Well, this is interesting. Shortly after I yesterday announced my new “Questions I’m Asked About Google” live video streams — still currently scheduled to launch 10:30 AM PDT (GMT-7, 17:30 UTC) tomorrow morning (June 7) — than my main inbox began flooding with anti-Google hate mail. It can’t be coincidental, and some of it appears to be coordinated.

For more information about this new live streaming effort, including links for viewing, asking questions, and directly participating, please see:

I had been debating whether or not I should address (e.g. “rant”) at the start of these streams about current crazy stories attacking Google. Now I don’t see how I can reasonably avoid doing this. OK, if that’s the way it’s gotta be!

Two of the beauts I’m considering touching on tomorrow morning relate to this email deluge over the last 24 hours.

One is messages I’m receiving about an article on a wacko (but relatively major) anti-Muslim site, that usually spends much of their time trying to sell the false story that Google Search “favors” Islam. Well, now they’re even upset about Google Doodles.

They claim that Google celebrated the oppression of women with a home page Doodle of a “Disneyfied veiled Muslima” on 31 May. So I had to go back and dig this one up.

Typical fake news bull being passed around as if it were real. The Doodle in question showed a representation of famed female architect Zaha Hadid, who won the Pritzker Architecture Prize on that day in 2004. And she’s not wearing a veil.

Not even close, anti-Muslim idiots.

Then I started digging through all the hate mail being triggered by an inflammatory new article in “The Intercept” (nope, I’m not giving them any link juice!) which falsely asserts evil in Google’s plans for an ad blocking system for obnoxious ads (to be deployed in their Chrome browser), in conjunction with their upcoming full launch of “Funding Choices” (which is actually a direct descendant of their now discontinued “Google Contributor” system).

Unfortunately, Google (as is all too typical with them in many cases) has not explained this very well, which creates a vacuum that deceptive articles like those from “The Intercept” fill with their own propaganda, and then the false conspiracy theories take flight en masse.

So I guess I’ll probably need to touch on this area as well tomorrow morning.

Yep, we’ll see how it goes. Please let me know if you have any questions and/or wish to participate, and again for more info (including possible scheduling provisos), please see:

Thanks all.


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