Please Don’t Ask! There Are No “Google Explainers”

Just a very short note! A few days ago, in “How Google Documentation Problems Can Lead to Public Relations Nightmares” (, I proposed that Google make available a series of tutorial resources — “explainers” so to speak, regarding a wide range of Google services, technical issues, and policies that tend to be misunderstood by significant numbers of persons in their user community and the global community at large. I suggested that both textual and video content in this vein could well serve toward improving the understanding of many things Google.

Apparently some readers misunderstood my post — or perhaps were incompletely informed about it by third parties. Because I’ve been flooded with people asking me where to find these “Google Explainer” resources.

You can’t find them. They do not exist at this time! I was making a proposal, not an announcement.

I hope that Google will move in the direction that I’ve suggested, but there are of course no guarantees that they will do so. I appreciate the emails expressing support for the concept, but this ball is firmly in Google’s court, not mine! It would not be practical for a non-Googler to write up such docs and keep them in sync with Google to the degree that would really be necessary for such resources to be genuinely useful.

Sorry about that, Chief!

Be seeing you.


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