3D Printed Wall Mount for the Full-Sized Google Home

Since the 3D printed wall mount for my Google Home Mini worked out quite nicely (details here), I went ahead yesterday and printed a different type of wall mount for my original Google Home (which is more suited for music listening given its larger and more elaborate speaker system — it even has decent bass response.)

Performance of the Google Home when mounted on the wall seems exemplary, both in terms of audio reproduction and the performance of its integral microphones. 

The surface of the mount meshes with the contours on the bottom of the Google Home unit, providing additional stability.

At the end of this post, I’ve included photos of the printed mount itself, the mount on the wall with Google Home installed, and a very brief video excerpt of the printing process. 

The model for this mount is from “westlow” at: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2426589 (I used the “V2” version).

As always, if you have any questions, please let me know. 

Be seeing you.


(Please click images to enlarge.)

Some Background on 3D Printing Gadgets for the Google Home Mini
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