August 22, 2015

Why "Godwin's Law" Doesn't Apply to Donald Trump

Let's get this straight once and for all: Comparisons between Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump do not invoke Godwin's Law.

Godwin's Law applies to discussions where Nazi analogies make no sense. Comparing a strict physical education teacher with Hitler, for example, is an obvious invocation of Godwin's Law.

However, Godwin's Law explicitly does not apply when actual Nazi parallels are in play.

In the case of Donald Trump, we have a grandiose buffoon spouting outright lies and hate speech, triggering racial violence, demanding the deportation of eleven million plus people including American citizens, retroactive stripping of citizenship, and attracting crowds who shout "white power" and hand out literature lauding that "Trump will do to the dirty Hispanics what Hitler did to the dirty Jews."

The parallels are obvious and on-point.

Godwin is not in scope.

Nazism and 1930s Germany very much are.



Posted by Lauren at August 22, 2015 09:36 AM | Permalink
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