July 08, 2004

"Kenny Boy" Lay Finally Does the "Perp Walk"

Greetings. It doesn't make up for losing your money or job (or both), but former Enron employees and stockholders can hopefully get some minor satisfaction from seeing Ken ("Kenny Boy", as George W. Bush used to call him) Lay doing the perp walk in handcuffs after his indictment on numerous charges related to the massive collapse of Enron.

George, Jr.'s White House now claims that the current president didn't really know Kenny Boy all that well, even though Lay lent presidential candidate George W. his corporate jet eight times and was one of the largest contributors to his presidential campaign, and... well you get the idea.

Of course, the smug look on Kenny's face reminds us that there's a big difference between indicting someone like him and convicting him, especially with the financial resources that he can bring to bear. But we shall see.

Cuffs too tight, Ken?


Posted by Lauren at July 8, 2004 09:50 AM | Permalink
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