November 27, 2003

Turkey and Coffins

Greetings. With Iraq looking more and more likely to end up as a chaotic version of an Iranian-style Islamic state, and approval ratings for his war plummeting, George Bush, Jr. and his handlers apparently figured they couldn't go wrong with an expensive little jaunt to Baghdad airport for a couple of hours on Thanksgiving.

Images from the photo-op, including one showing the President in a natural-looking pose holding a serving tray full of food, were immediately released.

Your next task Mr. President, should be to order your minions in the Pentagon to cease blocking the media from covering the stream of flag-draped coffins arriving back in this country almost daily. I understand that such images don't carry the same optimistic punch as turkey with the troops, but in the name of "fair and balanced" coverage of the situation in Iraq, can we depend on you to do the right thing?

I won't be holding my breath.


Posted by Lauren at November 27, 2003 01:49 PM | Permalink
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