October 01, 2003

Plan 9 From California

Greetings. I've lived in California my entire life -- specifically in L.A. That this could have resulted in a somewhat unusual (some might say distorted) view of the world may be a given, but I've typically found that much of the criticism piled on California by the rest of the country, and the world, is frequently unjustified.

This is not the case regarding the Governor's recall election however, now exactly one week away. Every bad thing anyone outside the state can think of to describe the idiotic nature of the proceedings is true, and then some.

Californians may be on the verge of showing their utter lack of common sense, by allowing a vacuous actor (and not a particularly talented one at that), the puppet of entrenched old-guard political interests, to be declared the leader of one of the world's largest economies. Spouting insipid movie lines, platitudes, and a constantly changing description of his life story and past indiscretions, he may yet prove out the line from Ed Wood, Jr.'s classic "Plan 9 From Outer Space": "All you of Earth are idiots!" -- at least as far as California is concerned.

As bad as the California recall law is, I hope it stays in place long enough so it may be used, if necessary, to correct the error that Californians may be about to make.


Posted by Lauren at October 1, 2003 09:14 AM | Permalink
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