April 24, 2009

Actual U.S. JPRA Torture Document Available as PDF

Greetings. As an addendum to Torturegate, the Internet, Obama's Error, and Startling Candor from Fox News, now available is the actual two page note from the Joint Personnel Recovery Agency (JPRA) to the Pentagon, describing strong concerns over the use of torture.

The note was reportedly part of the materials related to the "enhanced interrogation techniques" that the Bush administration was preparing to authorize. You may have heard proponents of these techniques noting that they were used (in limited duration contexts) in training programs to help U.S. personnel prepare for their possible infliction by enemy forces.

JPRA itself administered those training programs (SERE). Their attaching of these concerns (in 2002) regarding torture to the associated interrogation technique materials strongly implies that they themselves viewed the actual non-training use of such techniques to be torture.

You can read the actual scanned PDF document for yourself.


Posted by Lauren at April 24, 2009 04:58 PM | Permalink
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