April 14, 2006

Video of My "Internet and Empires" Talk at Google (From 1/24/06)

Greetings. In late January, I was invited to Google's Los Angeles (Santa Monica) facilities to give an informal talk (titled Internet and Empires) on a range of Internet-related topics. Video of that presentation is now available, and since it touches on a number of familiar issues, I thought that it might be of some interest.

The topics naturally included a number of the controversial issues related to Google, but also more generally privacy, free speech, ISPs, data retention, government and legal issues, censorship, DOJ, network neutrality, China, and more.

The talk ran about an hour and the video will reportedly be available as one of Google's Tech Talks.

Update (1/16/11): Original downloadable video versions of this talk from 2006 have been replaced by a higher quality YouTube version as listed below (my thanks again to Google for providing me with the original video master for processing).

Please note that all of the opinions expressed in this talk of course are mine, and should naturally not be construed to represent the views of Google, Inc.


"Internet and Empires" (YouTube Video)


Posted by Lauren at April 14, 2006 02:34 PM | Permalink
Twitter: @laurenweinstein
Google+: Lauren Weinstein