December 09, 2003

The Sorry State of Arnold's Ethics

Greetings. It appears that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger here in California is already showing his true colors when it comes to both ethics and promises.

Before the election, he promised that if elected, he would make sure that the sexual harrassment/abuse allegations against him were fully investigated. After the election, on Nov. 6, his team announced that a respected investigative firm would be hired to fulfill this promise.

Now comes word today that Arnold has decided that "it's time to move on" and no investigation is necessary.

This follows by one day the filing of a defamation lawsuit against Arnold by one of his female accusers. After she went public with her particularly disturbing accusations just before the election, Arnold's team sent an e-mail to the media suggesting that they search on her name in a criminal records database. When this search was performed without the use of a birthdate, it revealed what appeared to be a long criminal record, and Arnold's campaign proclaimed that her background should have been checked in advance.

But it turned out that this was not the same woman -- the accuser had no criminal record at all. And apparently Arnold's folks knew it all along. They later claimed that they had worded that e-mail "very carefully" and that nowhere did it explicitly say they were talking about the same person!

After that kind of dishonest approach, it's not surprising that Arnold is now retreating from his earlier promises to shed some light on what he calls his "playful" behavior with women.

No wonder many members of the California legislature apparently -- and seemingly wisely -- don't trust him.


Posted by Lauren at December 9, 2003 08:55 AM | Permalink
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